A warrior in public service may have many colleagues, but it is natural to develop friendships with warriors who are brave, just, intelligent, and influential. There are not so many warriors like that, so if there is even one who also associates with your other friends, he can be a big help in a time of need.
Generally speaking, it is inappropriate for warriors to fail to be selective about their friendships, becoming familiar with anyone at all, drinking and dining together, exchanging frequent visits. Let me explain.
Warriors can become close friends only when they see into each other’s hearts. Warriors are not to associate casually just for a good time or a congenial conversation. If they totally lose their sense of decorum, behaving familiarly, passing nights singing, if they should feel they are on such good terms that they get to talk carelessly, they may wind up alienated, no longer speaking. With no one to reconcile them, they may eventually shrug it off, without the pride to set things straight. Their outer appearance may be that of warriors, but their psychology is that of common laborers. One should beware of this.
Code Of The Samurai or Bushido Shoshinshu | taira shigesuke
Do not make friends because of convenience or proximity. Make valuable and loyal friendships that allow you to travel farther and further down the path; to an eventual crossroads, or not.
There are many varieties of intelligence, which go beyond the classical definition of academic intellectual prowess. Intelligence is synonymous for skill.
Harvard Psychologist Howard Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligence categories. He believes there are eight categories.
Howard’s eight categories of intelligence:
- Visual – Spatial
- Linguistic – Verbal
- Logical – Mathematical
- Body – Kinesthetic
- Musical
- Interpersonal
- Intrapersonal
- Naturalistic
Professional athletes are worshipped due to their advanced kinesthetic intelligence. Politicians draw legions of loyal acolytes via linguistic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal mastery.
Make associates with friends who are masters or are pursuing mastery of an intelligence category. A friend with no intelligence is a child that must be mothered and entertained. Your associates without intelligence or the desire for the pursuit of intelligence will seek to keep you at their position, dragging you down, holding you back, because they don’t want to be left behind, which will force their understanding of their lack of intelligence; awareness of self-induced inferiority is mentally and spiritually anguishing. These individuals would rather destroy your confidence than be left behind.
I like your style, man.
Great article Vincent. Brave, intelligent and influential are 3 fantastic traits to look out for when selecting friends.
I couldn’t agree more about not so speaking so much. Speaking too much about yourself with the wrong people can get you caught up.
Making few friends with people of golden virtues is worth more than many mediocre friends.
Solid article
A wise man keeps silent. When you open your mouth, you give everyone the chance to learn how little you know.