A warrior should make his best effort in the martial arts according to his own abilities and situation, even if he is naturally untalented in this Way.
Miyamoto Musashi – The book of five rings
The Way is a fulfilling way to live. Each path is unique to the individual and cannot be compared. There are too many variables to make comparisons between wanderers; even those on the same path.
Society recommends you follow a path to obtain greatness. Greatness provides attention; the path is where meaning comes from.
Greatness is not The Way but a biproduct of an individual reaching a distant point on a path that so few witness it becomes novelty. Those that reach such ends are revered due to their novelty.
Not all who follow a path will reach novel greatness in that path–this should be of no concern to the anyone finding their way.
Fulfillment along The Way
The Way is not about obtaining greatness, it is about living in sync with the spirit. It does not matter how far you go down the path, or if you reach greatness. Life is fulfilled by walking the path. The pursuit of The Way.
To live a fulfilled life you must try your best in all things. Your best, no matter who you are or your circumstances, will move you farther down the path than half-attempts at living. You will find fulfillment by trying your best for the sake of the path. Not greatness.
Your best will allow you to go farther down the path and deeper into your fulfillment.
Comparing Paths
Do not compare your progress on your path to the progress of another. It does not matter. The Way is walked alone by the wanderer who seeks fulfillment. There is no fulfillment found counting the steps of your family, friends, or rivals. Worse, those who you have not met who have no idea you exist.
Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.
This does not mean you should ignore competition. Comparing paths and being aware of competition on the path are two different things.
Competition is one way to measure progress on the path. Each path will have its own unique options for measuring progress.
When you compare paths you stop walking and watch others walk. This hurts the spirit–seeing others progress while the individual could have progressed if they focused on themself. The soul wants progress; not greatness.
Understand that competition, or how competitive you are depends on many different circumstances–including how far one has walked–but also physical/mental/spiritual born abilities and lived experiences that adjust the pace at which one can travel down the path.
This is of no concern to the wise wanderer who walks the path for fulfillment, not greatness.
A fulfilled life is a full life.