The United States Post Office(USPS) has embraced corporatism via the promotion of Junk Mail to support the ability of corporations to bother you so that the government can “prosper”, at the expense of her people’s focus, which is not prosperous for a country. A proper government should do as much as possible to maximize the productivity of all people at all socioeconomic levels.
Why is the United States providing exclusive offers from Target, Best Buy, Chase, Kohl’s, and the rest of the brands listed here? If the USPS is providing “exclusive offers”, of which the definition of exclusive is “excluding or not admitting other things“, who are they excluding? What if you want to be excluded?
Why is Bed Bath and Beyond promoted on the change of address page?
If you DON’T check that box, is the USPS not going to give your address to corporations? What if one wants to be excluded from having their personal information given to corporations, who exist to take the people’s money? Or it’s meaningless corporate-speak and they’ll give your personal information away so more mail can be delivered that no one wants.
How to Handle Junk Mail
Whenever you go to the mailbox, bring a Sharpie. Write “Return to Sender” or “rejected” on all junk mail, and put it in the outgoing mailbox. If enough people do this, it could start a revolution that ends junk mail. Even if it doesn’t, you are defending your time from corporations who want to use an arm of the government to steal your time and get your money.

Not only can you send junk mail back or reject it, but it is your moral obligation if you value your time and believe it should be protected. You should always approach the mailbox with a pen or a sharpie. In this circumstance, the pen is mightier than the sword, with the sword being a letter opener.
If you get mail from a previous occupant of your home, you can write “no longer lives here” and the postman will handle the mail for you.
Protect your time by sending junk mail back to the corporations.
Why Corporations Send You Trash
Corporations send you junk mail(trash) because they do not care about you. The only appropriate response is to meet them at their level of care and send them their trash back.
Corporations send you trash because they do not care about your time. That means corporations don’t care if you live or die, they care whether you pay them. They only want dollars(capitalism points) so they can continue “winning” a game with no end at your expense.
Would you take a bag of trash from the street into your home, to dispose of it properly? If not, you shouldn’t do the same with mail that often isn’t even addressed with your name, but instead says, “whoever lives here”.
Corporations don’t care about you. They are not good neighbors. They are throwing trash over your side of the fence; throw it back.
Good Government
The philosophy of good governance is to support maximally and rule minimally. Government support is not the giving of resources, but the enablement and encouragement of individual success for all.
If this is not happening, the government is not fulfilling its responsibility to the people, which also happens to be in the best interest of the government. Government is often corrupted by those who pursue power because they cannot gain power(importance) through talent, so they pursue power through institutions.
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