The mind is more powerful than the body, demonstrated by the placebo effect where the mind will heal the body if the mind believes that the body has received medicine. Curing dry/cotton mouth with your mind is one way to believe in its power, while also strengthening the influence of your mind over your body.
If your mouth is dry, you should remedy it with water. It’s ideal to always carry a water bottle, like the Takeya bottle which doubles as a self-defense weapon you can swing with great force.
However, if you do not have water, you can cure your dry mouth with the power of your mind and your mind alone. This is effective in survival situations, or situations where you don’t have access to water in the moment, like during sports.
This is also effective for those who use drugs that dry your mouth as a side-effect. Recall that pleasure should be used, not pursued, off the path for rest and respite from toiling on the path. The Pursuit of Pleasure is hell.
How to cure dry mouth with your mind
Begin by controlling your breath and slowing it down. Obtain manual control of your breath and your mind if you don’t have it already. (you should gain this control in your morning primer)
Imagine a round, smooth pebble in your mouth–you placed it there. You can also imagine a piece of hard candy, like a jolly-rancher. Imagine it so clearly that you can feel it in your mouth. This will naturally cause the body to produce saliva to coat the object to prepare for digestion, even if your mouth is dry.
Use this method to cure your dry mouth whenever you need it.
We lead our minds. Our minds do not lead us, because we know that our minds do not lead well. We must lead from the spirit, to the mind, to the body.
This is the way.
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