What To Do When You Feel Yourself Getting OFF PATH in The Present Moment

The Exhausted Ragpicker |1880 | Jean François Raffaëlli | Art Institute of Chicago

If you’re feeling off-path in the moment, you need to pivot to a different domain. Body, Mind, Spirit(BMS), the three domains of mankind. Whatever one you are pursuing and currently stuck in, you must pivot to another. Sometimes you can pivot to a different pursuit within the same domain, however, this only works if the roadblocked-domain is not exhausted.

One reason we have masteries in Body, Mind, and Spirit is so that when one path is blocked, we may walk down another, which may allow us to unblock the blocked path. With a mastery in each domain, we can be in a constant pursuit of mastery every day, until the day we die.

We want to be on the path for the majority of our lives.

When you are off path when you should be on path, something is wrong. A wanderer designates times to step off path when their three domains need a break from the constant toil of the pursuit of mastery.

Ignoring a roadblock in a domain that is slowing your progress is not smart, recommended, or masculine. You need to address the need that is not being addressed. The unaddressed need will slow your progress down your paths.

Usually, when you are off-path it’s because you’re overly dominant in Body, Mind, or Spirit(BMS), or stagnant in one, or all.

You have to have the self-awareness to communicate with yourself internally to address what is wrong and prescribe a solution.

Going off path to rest and recover is part of life. The off path is where entertainment and fun reside. Be cautious of Entertainment Addiction.

Think of the legendary samurai Miyamoto Musashi and his traveling companion, Jōtarō, from the novel, Musashi. They would travel to martial arts schools pursuing mastery, where they spent most of their time. The duo would rest and recover before they left for the next destination. They may have even had a little fun before they left for the next destination.

Jotaro and Musashi from the Wonderful Musashi graphic novel series, Vagabond

Jōtarō was a good influence on Musashi’s spirit and his many virtues.

Read more about Musashi and Jōtarō’s Adventures in the required reading novel of Musashi’s life written by Eiji Yoshikawa in 1939.

Entertainment and fun are not bad, but they are used incorrectly by the majority of people.

Stepping off the path is for EARNED rest

Rest must be earned through the pursuit of mastery in Body, Mind, and Spirit(BMS). We have so much more potential than we know which is why we should spend 80% of our time on the path. 20% of our time should be off the path for rest and recovery from our toils.

David Goggins has a rule that when you think you’ve reached your max, you have only reached 60% of your capacity–you have 40% more to give.

Resting from nothing is toxic. Resting from nothing is rot.

The morning routine is a primer to put you on the path right when you wake up. It’s up to you to maintain balance through the rest of the day after you prime and balance your domains in the morning.

Solving Problems – The Human Condition

Technology creates solutions to problems and inconveniences.

As we advance, technological solutions push humanity further into the mind domain, and farther away from the physical and spiritual domains. Observe and you will see this.

Because of this trend, the majority of people are over-focused in mind and neglected in body and spirit–or neglected in all three, anchored by a spirit that has eroded to a few embers of passion that sparsely activate.

If you’ve been working in the mind space for too long doing something like:

You will know you’re off path when you begin making mistakes you normally wouldn’t, are more attracted to distractions, and progress becomes painfully slow and difficult, while also being unfulfilling.

Fulfillment and fun are not the same thing; neither are fulfillment and happiness the same thing.

When the mind is fatigued, you must revitalize it by engaging with the body or the spirit. This can be as simple as going on a walk–but realize that you cannot half-effort the pivot to body. A five-minute walk may not be enough to revitalize the mind. You may need a 20-minute walk, a break to go to the gym, or to play a sport of some kind.

You can revitalize the mind by touching the spirit. This could be with prayer, internal coaching/hyping yourself up, breathwork, or whatever your spiritual mastery is.

The reason we prescribe having a mastery to pursue in Body, Mind, and Spirit is so you can pivot to other masteries in constant pursuit of mastery throughout your life while minimizing burnout and time spent off the path.

When you’re burned out in one domain, you can pivot to another. The Andreia Philosophy and your personal code must serve your pursuit of mastery.

Being off path for a long time

Even if you’ve been off the path for decades, you can find a path and start walking today. This is not limited by age or ability.

An 80-year-old diabetic with no legs can find immense fulfillment by utilizing everything they have on a path that provides fulfillment based on what they have. They could volunteer in the community(spirit) pursue mastery in table tennis, or limited yoga(body), and use their mind to write, do mathematics, read, solve puzzles, garden and give excess produce to those in need(body/mind/spirit), invent(mind), etc.

There is no end goal in the pursuit of mastery. The path goes on forever. This is why it doesn’t matter when you start because the path will always be there for you, like a significant other with a soul so pure it’s impossible for the other to do anything but love you and be there for you.

The path to mastery is a lover who never leaves.

The path to mastery is what it means to be human.

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