A Strong Mind Belongs in A Sturdy Body

Yukio Mishima

“The sun was enticing, almost dragging, my thoughts away from their night of visceral sensations, away to the swelling of muscles encased in sunlit skin. And it was commanding me to construct a new and sturdy dwelling in which my mind, as it rose little by little to the surface, could live in security. That dwelling was a tanned, lustrous skin and powerful, sensitively-rippling muscles. I came to feel that it was precisely because such an abode was required that the average intellectual failed to feel at home with thought that concerned itself with forms and surfaces.”

Yukio Mishima Sun and Steel (p. 21). 

“I would draw attention here to one fact: that everything, as this shows, proceeded from my “mind.” I believe that just as physical training will transform supposedly involuntary muscles into voluntary ones, so a similar transformation can be achieved through training the mind. Both body and mind, through an inevitable tendency that one might almost call a natural law, are inclined to lapse into automatism, but I have found by experience that a large stream may be deflected by digging a small channel.”

Yukio Mishima Sun and Steel (p. 22). 

The mind and the spirit are supported by the vitality of the body. Understand that when most people think of intelligence, they only think of the mind. How can that be true when greatness can be achieved in the domains of body and spirit?

A champion fighter, a professional athlete, an Olympian, and a self-disciplined athlete on the path to mastery have all reached a level in the domain of body that others cannot fathom or understand, or ever reach, like how great minds often sit alone on mountains with beautiful but lonely views.

Yukio Mishima believed a strong mind must be encased by a strong and tanned body. He believed in the power of Sun & Steel.

Allowing yourself to become overweight or weak is narcissism at the highest degree.

Automatism is living death. Hell. Slavery. No perspective or authenticity. Going with the flow means you are not following destiny(the path). Destiny requires manual input, not automatism.

Mishima references that a large stream may be deflected by digging a small channel, meaning that with the slightest amount of manual input in your life, you can affect massive change. This is known as leverage.

The famous Greek philosopher Archimedes said:

“Give me a firm place to stand and a lever and I can move the earth”

We can move our lives by having stability, which is firmness of our lives. We make our lives firm through conditioning of the Body, Mind, and Spirit.

Do not let outside forces control your life. Train your Body, Mind, and Spirit so each will be powerful and fully belong to you. The average person is not in control of their Body, Mind, and Spirit.

Destiny helps the individual who dares to help themself.

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