A warrior in public service may have many colleagues, but it is natural to develop friendships with warriors who are brave, just, intelligent, and influential. There are not so many warriors like that, so if there is even one who also associates with your other friends, he can be a big help in a time of need.
Generally speaking, it is inappropriate for warriors to fail to be selective about their friendships, becoming familiar with anyone at all, drinking and dining together, exchanging frequent visits. Let me explain.
Warriors can become close friends only when they see into each other’s hearts. Warriors are not to associate casually just for a good time or a congenial conversation. If they totally lose their sense of decorum, behaving familiarly, passing nights singing, if they should feel they are on such good terms that they get to talk carelessly, they may wind up alienated, no longer speaking. With no one to reconcile them, they may eventually shrug it off, without the pride to set things straight. Their outer appearance may be that of warriors, but their psychology is that of common laborers. One should beware of this.
Do not make friends because of convenience or proximity. Make valuable and loyal friendships that allow you to travel farther and further down the path; to an eventual crossroads, or not.
Some wanderers seek friends because they are afraid of being alone, or want to be distracted from some element of their life. Avoid these friendships. They will be burdensome, and every burden created adds to the exponential potential of slowed progress down your path.
Few deep connections are more valuable than many shallow connections. Prioritize depth of compatibility and relatability over the width of the seekers of the width. The shallow is magnetic. The depths can be lonely.
Warriors who are brave, just, intelligent, and influential.
These are exceptional characteristics–exceptional friends are worthwhile. You have to grow individually and as groups. Accept individual and group challenge. All sizes of groups as well as individuals should face challenges to build character which is found via prevailing against challenges found or self-imposed along the path. Knowledge is power and the more someone knows about you the more THEORETICAL POWER they have against you. With friends who you would call brothers or sisters–giving power to them is a ritual of trust-building which should be encouraged to continually strengthen trusts and reinforce alliances. Friends are also one of the main benefits–top five reasons to be a human.
Do not let your words represent you; let it be your actions. This is how you more closer to where you want to be. Talking too much is dangerous because your words, and words you didn’t say, can be used against you, as well as the interpretation of what you said, regardless of whether that interpretation is correct or not. This is especially true when you are under the influence of drugs. Use extra caution under the influence.
Make friends with those who are brave, just, intelligent, and influential.
Bravery means you are of action. The difference between slaying a dragon and saying how you could have slayed the dragon.
Listen to words, but pay more attention to action. People will often speak higher of their position, but their actions reveal the truth of their character.
Brave individuals do hard things. You want to be associated with those who can handle themselves during hard times, and can also support you, as you support them, during times of need. Individuals who cannot hold to this standard should stay as associates.
Respect must be maintained within the gang. Understand the difference between disrespect and fraternal interactions which can include name calling, hazing, and other interactions that could be interpreted as disrespect. Understand that personalities vary, but what makes a good friend is the same no matter the personality. This is why it’s important to pay attention to action and not words. A friend may be a shit-talker, but they may also be a source of security and inspiration for your life. These friends are crucial to your progress down the path.
If a friend may steal, they may steal from you. But they may not. Actions and morality vary depending on the severity of circumstances and parties involved. Sometimes, you need to do whatever it takes; this mindset is valuable at the group level, and destructive at the individual level.
An individual without honor in one circumstance may be honorable in another. Or, they could be universally dishonorable. Trust slowly, and pay attention to action.
There are many varieties of intelligence, which go beyond the classical definition of academic intellectual prowess. Intelligence is synonymous for skill.
Harvard Psychologist Howard Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligence categories. He believes there are eight categories.
Howard’s eight categories of intelligence:
Visual – Spatial
Linguistic – Verbal
Logical – Mathematical
Body – Kinesthetic
Professional athletes are worshipped due to their advanced kinesthetic intelligence. Politicians draw legions of loyal acolytes via linguistic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal mastery.
Make associates with friends who are masters or are pursuing mastery of an intelligence category. A friend with no intelligence is a child that must be mothered and entertained. Your associates without intelligence or the desire for the pursuit of intelligence will seek to keep you at their position, dragging you down, holding you back, because they don’t want to be left behind, which will force their understanding of their lack of intelligence; awareness of self-induced inferiority is mentally and spiritually anguishing. These individuals would rather destroy your confidence than be left behind.
You want friends who can depend on themselves, while also adding value to your life in area’s you are inexperienced. A balanced group across intelligences is desirable; be cautious of associating with those who mirror your intelligence; they could be allies, but they could also be competitors or saboteurs.
With intelligent allies, you accelerate your progress down the path.
Influence is power. Humanity is hierarchical. Leadership is the natural way of the human experience.
There is power in numbers. Division is a tactic to make a group weak from the inside, radiating outward.
Influence provides access to new opportunities that may be unavailable without an ally. A friend with job connections can help you find work. A friend with dating connections can help you find love, or something else. A friend with influence in the kitchen can make you meals that inspire.
Influence is contagious and magnetic. The more you have, the more others want to connect with you. Those who have influence themselves and wish to connect with you will share their influence with you.
Power is in plain view yet most ignore it to tolerate their lack of power.