How to write a private journal on your computer

how to write a private journal
Seated-Prophet-or-Evangelist-Writing-Giuseppe Salviati-1520-1575-andreia-private-journal
Seated Prophet or Evangelist writing | Giuseppe Salviati | 1520 – 1575 | Art Institute of Chicago

Writing is a great way to think because the written word is a technology that allows you to travel through time. Journaling helps to ensure that you are not making the same mistakes you made a year ago, or a decade ago. As we grow, we should discard old problems to make way for new.

You cannot explore your mind or your spirit if you cannot focus, which includes not being able to focus because you feel like you are being watched. This is why you should write in a paper journal, or a journal that is not managed by a company. 

You can easily make your own private journal stored on your devices.

Writing in a private journal

Writing is a form of thinking. Jordan Peterson said this in reference to his writing program:  The Self Authoring Suite. Writing can help you process emotions from traumatic events that may become stuck in purgatory where they damage the Body, Mind, Or Spirit(BMS).

To journal privately on a computer, use a simple text editing software that is not connected to a corporation. Company software always has a back door, which, even if they never use that back door, creates a mental barrier that will prevent you from accessing your deepest thoughts and feelings.

Focus Writer

Focuswriter is a simple, open-source word processor. That means the code is public and visible, and there is no company or organization with access to your notes. No cloud, all your files are your responsibility. You can customize the background, as well as turn on a typewriter sound if you like.

Store your journal on a flash drive from Amazon. You just have to pick which one you want, they all do the same thing. For style preference, we like the Samsung Bar because it’s inexpensive and can be added to a keychain. Create a folder for each month and each year and make an entry for each day.

It’s recommended that you backup your entries somewhere, at least once a month, for most.

You just made you’re own journaling application for free.

If you want even more security and privacy, you can encrypt your drive with Veracrypt, for completely free; another open-source software everyone should know about, which password locks your entire drive, or a partition of your drive. We recommend using Veracrypt and creating a partition of a few gigabytes on a new flashdrive to start. Unless you’re adding photos to your journal entries–which is fine–you won’t need a large amount of space. With that being said, encrypt a partition large enough for your needs.

Veracrypt software

Be warned, if you forget the password, your  drive will become useless. You can also store your digital or paper journal in a physical safe, like a book safe or a mini safe.

The Folly of Corporate-backed Journals

If a company of any size, from startup to corporation, has access to your journal, you are not journaling alone and it will not be the same. Journaling is like self-therapy. You need total and unshaken confidence in your privacy in order to be private with yourself.

Journaling is meant for you to have the deepest discussions with your soul about your pains, trauma, but also positive aspects like what you truly, truly want from life, which is never money, but some kind of meaning provided by fulfillment of some kind.

This cannot be completed with another person around; recall that legally corporations are persons in America, so treat them so.

If you journal in a corporate journal application, or a corporate notetaking application like Microsoft Onenote, your mind will not open to inspection because you feel like you are being watched. When you use a corporate journal, the corporation is in the room with you.

Journaling apps and services are undesirable for this reason; no matter why they say, they are not private. You create your privacy. Not a company. If you did not create your privacy, it isn’t real.

Corporations engineer distractions because a mind in solitude is not profitable. A Rational mind isn’t profitable for the corporation , unlike the emotional, uncontrolled, fear and excitement based mind.

It’s hard to understand that the past had solitude because, today, in an environment where corporations fight to destroy your attention span so they can take money from you and give it to others, you have to fight to have time to yourself. 

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