8 Replacements For Purpose People Adopt When They Don’t Have One

The-Land-of Cockaigne-Attributed -to-Pieter-van-der-Heyden-Netherlandish-after-1570
The Land of Cockaigne | Attributed to Pieter van der Heyden | sometime after 1570 | The Met Museum

“The Land of Cockaigne, known in Dutch literature as Luilekkerland (country of the lazy and gluttonous), was described in very popular stories as a mythical place where there is no need to work, and where food and drink are so abundant that we need only open our mouths to take in what we desire. In this print, which accurately follows in reverse Bruegel’s 1567 painting of the same title (Munich, Alte Pinakothek), three figures—a soldier, a farmer, and a clerk—are shown sleeping off the effects of their overindulgence, or waiting for more drink to imbibe—as the clerk does at left. Some of the remains of their meal are strewn on the platform encircling the tree in the center, while the mountain of buckwheat in the background and the house covered with tarts at right indicate this land has plenty to spare. The image’s moralizing intent—to decry the vices of sloth and gluttony—is apparent from the first part of the Dutch inscription below: “The lazy and gluttonous farmers, soldiers, and clerks get there and taste all for nothing.” “

The Met Museum

Your life’s purpose provides the path that you walk, where fulfillment is found. Wanderers find fulfillment on the path.

Without a path, one wanders until forced to pick one–even if it does not resonate–or someone picks one for you.

Sadly, most people aren’t doing what they want because they did not choose their own path. This could be out of a lack of choice, fear of a new and unknown ordinary(likely), or being forced to choose for survival, or another reason.

You can survive without meaning, but you’ll never thrive or find fulfillment until you pursue what matters to you. You will know when you found it because it will call to you more than sex.

Individuals have an inherent need to receive validation and the best place to receive that validation is from the path.

Below are ways people find fulfillment when they have not chosen a path or a path was chosen for them. Think deeply about whether these apply to you or those around you. Avoid pitfalls and traps that will take you away from your path or away from the path of finding a path.


Drugs have killed more Americans under 40 than COVID-19.


7 times more deadly than the pandemic. There is a pandemic of purpose.

Drug use is to escape or enhance a reality that does not give you what you need. If your reality gave you what you need, you wouldn’t need the drugs. Keyword: need.

What you want is what you want, while what you need is what you need and what you want–even if you don’t know it yet.

Drugs cannot have morality ascribed to them because they cannot act. They simply are. So they are neither good nor bad, they are something that exists in the world, created by man. What’s bad is a culture that cannot moderate its drug use or uses drugs to run away from the culture because the culture is repugnant.

In a healthy society, you don’t need to make drugs illegal because people don’t need or want them.

You cannot kill an idea of which drugs are. Heroin is an idea. Heroin does not grow in the wild, its precursors do, which are then turned into heroin, a man-made invention, a technology borne from an idea.

You cannot kill an idea. You can only replace it.

The change we want to see in the world can not come from outside the self. Change starts from an internal decision that can then be promoted outside of the self in hopes that others will make the same internal decision that you did.

That’s called leadership. Leaders lead themselves first.

You can use drugs to enhance aspects of your lifestyle like creativity, performance, and of course, pleasure. You must meditate on whether or not drug use is for escape/cheating or development/performance.

If the paths in your life do not give you dopamine and other feel-good brain chemicals from lifestyle aspects like mastery, family(which can be a mastery), service to others, and other aspects, you will look for that dopamine elsewhere.

Because animals are inherently lazy, if you do not have a calling you will look for the easiest places to get dopamine and other feel-good chemicals.

Easy dopamine sources:


In 1985, Nabisco–the company who makes Oreos, Chips Ahoy cookies, crackers, and other snacks–merged with RJ Reynolds tobacco, to become RJR Nabisco. When this merge happened, food became a drug.


Look at this graph. Obesity rates begin to ascend around the merger of RJ Reynolds and Nabisco in the mid 1980’s . Interesting, that the merger of a drug company with a food company correlates with upward trends of obesity.

It’s much more difficult to make food illegal or tax food than it is to make cigarettes illegal or tax them. So they made food into a drug. In America, we must be principled, because others are free to cause harm for the sake of profit. We must have personal philosophies and codes. We must vote with our dollars.

Pleasure is pursued when purpose is absent.

Adult Content

Adult-content and self-touching is essentially a drug, because it mimics the effects of drugs in the brain. No time in society has ever before given an individual the POWER to look at millions of naked bodies in the span of a few hours. Such POWER would be impossible 30+ years ago.

For all of time before the internet, you could not see the amount of nudity as you can with the internet. Millions of years.

source – The Independent

Compulsive adult-content users change how their brains behave and operate. They rewire their brains, reducing the amount of literal grey matter in their brains[1], and condition their brains to seek rewarding pleasures from adult-content and self-touching, as opposed to mastery, purpose, or authentic sexual experiences.

“The central nervous system is made up of grey matter and white matter. However, grey matter plays the most significant part in allowing humans to function normally daily“[2](our underline)

70% of American men admit to seeking out a behavior that reduces the component of their brain that allows them to function normally.[3]

How many are lying about their use out of shame?  There is an epidemic of shrinking brains by the consumption of poison for money.

Grey brain matter controls:

  1. Cognition:  Memory, attention, perception, decision-making.
  2. Sensory processing: touch, taste, smell, feel, sight, hearing.
  3. Motor control: Movement and muscle functionality.
  4. Executive function: Forecasting the future, problem-solving, self-control and more.
  5. Emotion regulation: Emotions, mood, social behavior.
  6. Autonomic body functions: Heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, respiration.

So when your grey matter shrinks via your actions, ALL functions listed are negatively affected. How many mental health problems relate to these core functions?

Brain activity in sex addiction mirrors that of drug addiction.

“There are clear differences in brain activity between patients who have compulsive sexual behaviour and healthy volunteers. These differences mirror those of drug addicts,” adds Dr Voon.

University of Cambridge

Like food was made into a drug by corporations, the naked body was made into a drug by the internet and corporations. The internet does not give us what we need. It gives us what we want, and our desires for pleasure can never be satisfied, unlike the pursuit of fulfillment which is satisfying.

Without personal codes & philosophies, we are slaves to merchants of want.

There is no corporation or government body that benefits from the cultural absence of adult-content and self-touching, so there is no incentive to study the negative affects of it.

However, there is incentive to demonstrate the lack of damage, as adult-content is a drug-industry no different than tobacco, alcohol or manmade drug-food products.

Src. SignHouse Research

This chart shows Only Fans revenue. in 2022. Only Fans Revenue was 2.5 billion–a 2.5 billion-dollar incentive to encourage the destruction of authentic sexual experiences–love, romance, companionship–and replace them with heroin-mirroring pixels comprising nudity.

Online dating helps to destroy authentic social, romantic, and sexual experiences as well. If you find a wife on Tinder, Tinder loses your subscription. If Tinder convinces men that the only way to find dates is via online, and not in-person via your community connections or your interests, Tinder gets paid.

Tinder is owned by the Match Group, a public company.

Largest shareholders of Match Group:

These three investment companies own roughly 20% of the American S&P 500. They don’t care about your well-being, they care about making money off of your lifestyle in as many ways as humanly(not humanely) possible.

Obsession With Others or The Media

Those who do not have purpose do not know themselves very well, because they do not spend time with themselves. They ignore their lack of purpose with distractions because a lack of purpose is pain. Ask those around you who don’t have a purpose how often they plan their lives or observe them. You see they fill their time, but you will not see them planning their time.

Those without purpose hide from analyzing themselves by obsessing over all matters of people who are not themselves. They do this to hide from the truth that they have not found their way. They don’t understand that the adventure to find the way is scary, but ultimately a fountain of everflowing meaning that never dries.

Fans, Fanatics, and Superfans

Fans who are not inspired by their target individual, but worship them like a God because it is easier to find religion than it is to find and declare meaning. Being inspired is different than being a fan. Being obsessed over the media of another individual is a futile attempt to become them. It’s trying to wear the skin of another because that too appears to be easier than finding your meaning.

Our pursuit of meaning is difficult because meaning is earned.

Those who are addicted to social media do not know themselves well. Instead they know a little bit about a lot of people who use others to obtain their wants in life by appearing to already have them or have gained them through their lifestyle, and not their media presence.

Understand that Instagram’s vision of their best user is one who spends the most time and money on their application. Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Reddit, none of these platforms measure how happy their users are; unless data scientists figure out that happiness correlates to an increase in spending money. Facebook found that people engage more with content that makes them angry, so they feel like it is in their best interest to give users what keeps them engaged.

As you watch others pursue their paths without pursuing your own, you see wanderers moving farther and farther away from you.

Those without a calling will become obsessed with media. The passive consumption of others on their respective paths keeps the individual from leaving the comforts of the ordinary world.

Politics and Sports

Joining a team has the same effect whether you physically join the team, or you mentally/spiritually join the team.

When you join a team, you merge with a clan that is larger than the self which creates an opportunity for the individual to disperse their obligations, goals, well-being, and problems to the team instead of themselves.

You want to be in control of yourself at all times. Even when part of a group, you must maintain your individuality. If you do not preserve the individuality of your Body, Mind, and Spirit(triplicity of man), you will be co-opted to the group think of the group which is often inorganic and created by a leader using the group for what they perceive they need or want. This can be a good or bad thing depending on the leaders’ alignment with your identity, which can only be made clear if you preserve the individuality of body, mind, and spirit when with a group.

Some individuals will let their Football team losing a championship game ruin their entire month, or their entire year even. “their team”. It’s never your team. The only thing you have is yourself. They will let the loss of a team they have “joined” bodily, mentally, and spiritually have total control over their body, minds, and spirits. Seek to be in control(mastery) of yourself at all times.

Through pursuing mastery we master ourselves. Without a pursuit of mastery, we greatly risk being an asset of another entity instead of our best advocate.

Some individuals will destroy property, relationships, and even take lives if their political party loses. They may refuse to add value to society, which reduces the value society can provide to them.

“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”

John F. Kennedy

The worst part about joining a political team is you no longer see the elites on your team as a threat. They can do whatever they want with you and you will accept it with a smile. This applies to corrupt political organizations; it is difficult to acknowledge the corruption of your political team because it means that you, yourself, are part of that corruption.

Be suspicious of “opposing teams” that operate from the same position of power, or who work in the same building. They will use your team membership to fight the common man of the other membership so that the common man does not unite against the elites with the same goals as each other, but carry opposing goals of the common man.

Identify with the individual before the group.

Have a baby

Having a baby can be negative if the circumstances of the baby’s birth are not ideal. Having a baby can of course be a great thing. It just depends on your individual circumstances and the path that you are travelling down.

Having a family will give your life meaning. But it will not provide you with meaning from a path to mastery. Even with a family, all individuals need to have masteries for fulfillment in body, mind, and spirit.

Understand that some will have a baby on purpose, or via engaging in intimacy with reckless abandon to create a distraction that gives reason to not pursue a calling. When you think of it from this perspective a baby is the perfect distraction from the new worlds of mastery because few would call this out or acknowledge it; even the self.

Having children young removes the unknown at an early age. The world is not yours, the world is now your baby, which you will know deeply.

Understand you can have children and pursue mastery in all things.

Become obsessed with the opposite sex

Chasing after women is chasing after nothing. You can’t ever own or possess another individual. Sex is pleasure and pleasure is on the opposite end of fulfillment. Pleasure is not bad, but it is the 20 of 80/20.

Pleasure provides recovery from the pain of pursuing fulfillment, which is always hard. In the past, 80-99% of time was spent in fulfillment because widespread and available pleasure has never existed, at least as we know this to be true.

Widespread and available pleasure is a modern creation. It’s unnatural. In the past, only royalty had access to pleasure that the common man has today. The average person lives better than how royalty lived at any point in the past.

Nature designed life to be fulfillment-based. Fulfilling the needs of the individual. Even in eusocial species like ants or bees, each individual ant or bee has an individual job that is part of the hive. Individual needs are fulfilled to fulfill the needs of society.

Pleasure should not be chased because pleasure cannot be fulfilled. Pleasure does not build the self or the culture.

Learning “game” is a waste of time. We don’t want to become proficient at distracting ourselves from what we aim to master and become fulfilled by. Learning “game” helps you attract a partner that is susceptible to “game”, which may not be the most-productive partner for walking down your path together.

Find religion

This isn’t saying religion is bad. Just realize that religion can be used to avoid the responsibility of mastery. Have your religion and have your masteries in Body, Mind, and Spirit. Whatever God you have, if that God is just, that God wants you to be the best version of yourself to serve as a positive example of your denomination to others.

Religion is not a replacement for exercise, a sharp mind, or a conditioned spirit; it is a partner to all three.

Understand you do not need to be part of a group to be religious. You can pray no matter who you are or what you believe.

Those who turn to religion to answer their problems sometimes do so because they have led themselves astray by following a path that is not true to themselves or does not offer fulfillment. Or they chased pleasure instead of fulfillment.

In the end, fulfillment is what we all want.

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