The Philosophy of Cleaning After You Wake Up


You can control the momentum for your entire day by using discipline to control the beginning of your day, right when you wake up.
Inertia exists within the human spirit. You can decide if your day will be productive, lazy, or fraught with poor decisions.
What you did yesterday will prepare you for what you did today. Momentum is crucial to travel down the path freely and with agility.
Small decisions make up the bulk of our opportunities for decision. Small decisions like making your bed, brushing your teeth, using mouthwash, around bed time are crucial and people mistake them as trivial.
Small decisions compound into patterns which compound into habits. Small decisions repeated regularly determine what kind of big decisions you become faced with.
Start your day with a morning routine that primes you for the path.
Moving your body is a good way to wake yourself up first thing. You can be productive with your body or train your body.

Morning cleaning

Clutter is chaos and chaos must be organized. Chaos is a distraction distracftions will keep you waay from the path lots of things can be chaotic

Tidying is meditative as you transform chaos into order.

You can start your morning by cleaning and organizing your space. During this time you can drink coffee, listen to music, and use other energetic interests along with cleaning to wake you up.

Cleaning in the morning will allow you to relax in a clean home when you’re done with work. A clean home is also a prepared home. Prepared for anything, home. Preparedness increases the width of your luck-net. More preparation is more luck.

Tidying is not enough of a morning routine to be relied on entirely, but it can be a good component of a morning routine.

Start your day with a tidy home.
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