App Spotlight #002 | Use Google Primer to Learn Free Business Skills on The Go


google primer was silently discontinued and now links to Grow with Google

The internet is full of distractions and opportunity. You can find an infinite amount of games, and also an infinite amount of educational material. This applies to whether you are on desktop or mobile. The current number of phone-holders on the planet is 86%, or roughly 6.92 billion people. We all have access to the shared space of the internet, which provides equal opportunity, but what people take-advantage of is unequal; most find entertainment, less find education and advancement. There are many reasons for why people turn from education and entertainment; one reason is that corporations are engineered to extract money from the people, which cannot be done if people are focused on making their lives better.

Corporations do not want you to be happy, educated, or fulfilled; they want to take your money so they can distribute it to their shareholders, and ALL corporations are dominated by a wealthy elite who holds most of the shares. Stop giving them money; use the internet for traveling farther down your path.

One of the best parts of the internet is free or inexpensive access to education. Even if something is paid, you can always ask if they would give it to you for free, and they may depending on your circumstances. You must understand that a barrier is a deterrent to keep the less-ambitious away.

Many apps are not able to provide a deep education because of the nature of the device. It’s easier to learn math on Khan Academy at a standup desk, with notebook and pens, and multiple monitors. You still can use the application, but the desktop version is superior.

Google Primer is an excellent primer for education that is optimized for a mobile environment. Although Google is another corporation made for transferring money from the people to the shareholder elite, they offer free services and education that should be taken advantage of where valuable.

Google primer


Google Primer is an educational app that teaches essential business skills. The app is free, without in-app purchases, or advertising, which is refreshing.

It’s not clear if they monetize, but some lessons are sponsored by companies; although it comes across unobtrusive and you won’t see any branding except for the first lesson card.

What is Google Primer?

Google Primer contains bite-sized lessons presented in an interactive, flash-card format. Each lesson has plain-white index cards you swipe to proceed or go back in your lesson.

Occasionally, there will be an interactive section that, usually involves inputting information to help understand your situation related to the lesson. An example of this might be a questionnaire about shipping logistics that helps you understand what steps you need to take to iron out your supply chain.

There are multiple categories to explore with many lessons in each.

Google Primer Course Sections

Each section has interactive lessons that fall under the subject. The lessons are small and  can be completed in a few minutes. They aren’t full-fledged courses and they aren’t meant to be.


Google Primer lessons are short and are meant to be consumed during times in-between major activities, or waiting times like when waiting for an Taxi, or something else. Basically, you shouldn’t use Google Primer when you have the capacities to learn with a deeper application.

Google Primer Course Examples

Business Planning:


How to use Google Primer

You won’t get an MBA level education using Google Primer, but it’s nice to learn some basics about Digital Marketing, User Experience, and other subjects when you have a few minutes.

Use Google Primer when you’re in the bathroom, waiting in line, or while shopping for groceries. You can save lesson sections that resonate with you then transfer them to a notetaking application like Joplin.

Google Primer is another app in your arsenal for constant improvement.

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