The potential Downside of Listening to Music While Being Productive

music is bad for you

Music IS a distraction from the present. An additional layer. Someone’s voice is in your mind. Their words. They are inside your mind. This can take you out of the present moment, entranced by what you hear.

Humans aren’t designed for multi-tasking. As predators, we focus best on one thing we are pursuing. Prey species multi-task. Not you.

The distraction comes from song changes and words. If you’re doing mental work, mental stimulation at the same time can create a struggle for attention. However mixing mental stimulation with a physical activity does NOT create that struggle, because you’re engaging two standalone pillars; activities like lifting weights with music, or running with music for example.

Perform greater by not demanding dualities from Mind, Body, and Spirit activities.


Video game background music

Most video game background music contains no words and is a never ending loop. No pauses, changes in rhythm, just constant background noise that leaves room to think. If you have good memories with the game, those may come forward.

You can search for background music of your favorite games on YouTube or Spotify. Some videos will be an extended loop like the ten-hour one above.

Background Ambient noise

You can download an app for background ambient noise. Most apps have sounds like rain, forest, city, coffee shop, washing machine, thunder, etc.

Rainy Mood is classic.

Single track on repeat

A Single track on repeat can increase your productivity, but you probably want to choose audio without words.

There is no such thing as multi-tasking, there are only levels of efficiency and focus.


It can be difficult to sit in silence in the ultra-connected high-stimulation internet era. In the past a silent environment was more prevalent.

The radio was first invented in 1895, and even then it was primitive and it took a long time for radios to be in every house. There are less periods of silence than there used to be. Silence can even make people uncomfortable because they avoid confronting their thoughts which allows the creation and maintenance of hidden problems and impediments.

Music is entertainment

Active entertainment at the same time as trying to be productive may reduce your capacity for it. However some may be able to listen to music fine while they work. You should create a test to confirm if you plan on working (mind pillar) while listening to music.

find your optimal performance. The way to find your optimal performance is experimenting. You could find a way to work better and go farther.

You need to find what works for you.

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